Ability to filter by classification on all reports. https://community.reckon.com/reckon/topics/reckon-one-enhancements-19-december-2016-imfkqh6iv3359 https://community.reckon.com/reckon/topics/is-class-tracking-available-in-reckon-one
The columns in estimate temple needs to be able to be more flexible for email/print.
Printed or emailed formats of estimate are very "un presentable" and not professional. It creates very bad impression about the proposal/quotation. I have been using Accounts hosted and used to change layout to suit to make it nice and presentable.
Date field in the edit item window to indicate when a cost price has been updated
With many hundreds of items that are quoted sometimes some of them are rarely and many users it is frustrating to not know when and by whom the cost price was updated, This would save considerable time
Ability to drill down on transactions that appear in Project P & L report. Currently, clicking on an amount takes you to all transaction in the particular income/expense account not just the transactions relating to the project. Would like the...
Transaction history Does not work on quotes - this is a BUG
Quotes/estimates has a "transaction history" option (with right click) however there is never any history to such a transaction. I have often wanted such history: for example I want to know if the quote has been completed and invoiced, but even th...
Requestiong the Transaction Line items by account code as this is the ONLY report in Reckon that shows the description per line entry. At present it is not useful as we cannot sort by account code. As an accountant not having this ability makes th...