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Workspace Reckon One
Categories Reports
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 26, 2018

Classification Reporting

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  • Guest
    Apr 5, 2022

    Classification embedded as a business unit or profit centre reporting concept is vital for profitability / investment. Our business is setup with different responsibility within the same entity. Please consider adding this feature. Thanks

  • Guest
    Jan 9, 2022

    Profit & loss by classification is urgently needed along with the filter of classification on all reports. No use have classifications if you have to run 2 separate reports to get profit & loss

  • Guest
    Sep 6, 2021

    Fully support this suggestion - would be a great addition.

    Also - add a "Classification" column in the Invoice display so I can see if I accidentally forgot to enter it


Profit and Loss Printing based on Classifications

Treasurer for local theatre company and need to be able to run profit and loss for each show. Seems like it has been in the pipework for considerable time but still not available.
almost 6 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 Planning to do

Add Classification field filter to P&L, Balance Sheet and Account Enquiry reporting

It would be nice to report against a selected Classification to provide sub-P&L or sub-Balance sheet reports. Current Reckon One reporting is across all transactions for the selected period with no option to filter out transactions. An example...
about 5 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 Planning to do

Generate Profit & Loss with classifications

At the moment you can enter classifications but can't get any meaningful reporting on them. If you could produce a separate P & L based on your classifications you could measure profitability of different sites, different arms of the business ...
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 Planning to do

Reports Using Class

Can you please fast track this functionality - Clients are keen to see this implemented.
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 Planning to do

Classification Reporting

We have recently transferred from Reckon Desktop, where we were able to report on the profitability of multiple Classifications/Departments. Reckon One provides the ability to allocate Income & Expenses to diffierent Classifications, but we we...
over 2 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 Planning to do