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Status New idea
Workspace Reckon One
Categories Projects
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 14, 2020

Project Detail Report

Ability to drill down on transactions that appear in Project P & L report.

Currently, clicking on an amount takes you to all transaction in the particular income/expense account not just the transactions relating to the project. Would like the ability to see all transactions linked to a particular project and would also like to be able to create columns in P& L by Project.

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  • Guest
    May 23, 2024

    Yes, this should be a very simple request and without this basic function you are unable to do any review on a individual project. Is this something Reckon is going to do or do I need to go to alternate software?

  • Guest
    Jun 26, 2023

    I would second this idea. The current Projects module is only slightly useful.

    I’d like to see each bill/invoice/payment I’ve made that has been tagged against a specific project.

    As the above user mentioned, the P & L is the only way to do this currently, and exports the whole list, which makes it virtually useless.

  • Guest
    Apr 13, 2023

    I totally agree....I've been inputting the project information all financial year thus far and I am trying to create some reports. However, the only report I can do is P&L.

    If you click on the transactions to view them, it takes you to ALL the transactions, not just the ones for the project you're looking at, and there is no way to sort the transactions by project. Well not that I can find anyway.

    When we signed up for Projects I was given the impression that you'd be able to do all the normal reports by project. What's the point in having projects if you can't filter by project for all the different lists and reports?