When we complete the Pay run. It is easier to click one click to submit STP to tax office. The current process asks us to launch another window. We have to spend more time. As a tax agent, i have to do hundred of STP every month for my clients. i ...
I have numerous regular clients , with multiple jobs. I create a new job to correspond to the current year & then add individual jobs to that year as they come in. It would be a great feature to be able to expand these "year' jobs rather than ...
It would be useful to have the ability to 'BOLD' text within descriptions, not necessarily the whole description, just certain words, same as able to highlight & format text in every other program that has editing
Make Customer Type tick list so they can be multiple "types"
My customers are not one "type" and can fall into multiple "types"
I want to tick what they are rather than have to endlessly create multiple "X&Y" categories to get the right combination.
Make it easier to under the "branch" when setting up Single Touch Payroll
It would be helpful if there was a help icon/popup in your form for connecting to the ATO explaining that “GST Branch” is the same as the “branch ID” on the ATO portal, and the same as the “branch number” in the Reckon book settings. Background: W...
Considering the original request was dates 2018- it's now 2022- could something be done to allow for changing the font size in Estimates - Reckon one please.
Show Bill Entry PDF side by side with the bill as it is being entered
A person has to manually read a bill, then enter all the correct details into the corresponding fields... it would be nice to have the pdf side-by-side with the bill entry so you can copy/paste invoice numbers and descriptions across rather than r...
Add weight , volume option with total to show on packing slip
Should have ability to add carton weight & dimensions for cubic calculation with option to add field on to the packing slip with a total option for Total Quantity . Total Cubic & Total weight for freight calculation
to be able to pay creditor with order but not register stock as being received
customers can pay with order but suppliers cannot . I pay most of my suppliers with order as i do not like to run supplier accounts . would also be good for one off orders from suppliers that may not be used again .