We need third Party Time sheet ( Miterfinch) on Reckon add on Market Place
Since there are few app that already in Zapier and we need some more them to be integrated hence we require this MitreFinch to be added on the Reckon Ad-On Marketplace to complete our Automation for more than 200 employees. Need to be done as soon...
Some times we have to pay a bill before we receive the goods so it would be good to show this You have, received bill with inventory and received inventory without a bill. What about received bill without inventory
Do not display the inactive items in Price level list
When entering or editing the price level by item, it displays all active and inactive items in the list. Request that the inactive items should not show in the list.
Increase character limit for SalesTaxCodeRef in the SDK for Reckon Accounts Hosted
Currently, the SDK has a character limit of 3 for SalesTaxCodeRef field where as in the app, it is 5 character limit. Can this be increased to 5, so APIs work consistently?
Hi, just spent the day setting up my entire accounting structure, only to find there is no android app to update basic functions like timesheets, expenses etc. When is this going to be available?
Save option button in "allocated detailed payment" in Bank Transactions
In the bills module there is an option on saving the entry which then allows you to make an attachment. The save option is not the same in the "allocate detailed payment", it just takes you out of the screen once save is clicked. Attachment then h...
The import & export functionality in Enterprise is just not cutting the grade when comparing the software to others on the market.
Can I suggest that this area be improved so that it is user friendly (ie NOT "iff) and has a wizard to ass...