BankData - Add a 'Contains' Transaction Rule. A lot of the narration that comesfrom the bank includes additional text, i.e EFTPOSBrookvaleMcDonalds20181122154912. A Contains Rule would allow the user to set a 'Contains McDonalds' rule which would ...
Feature to Change account type, for example from Asset to Liability , or expense to COGS, beneficial if the COA was set-up incorrectly, and needs to be changed, especially if there are heaps of transactions.
Create a setting to NOT use account codes, which would also then by default UNTICK the Code in all reports. If that is not possible create a new setting under Settings > General > Report settings That can be ticked or unticked to use Account...
When viewing an invoice it would be nice to be able to go to previous or next invoice without having to go back to the list of invoices
While viewing an invoice, I would like to be able to scroll through the invoices without having to go back to the full list of all invoices. When I am searching for an invoice it can take a while to go back & forward checking each invoice indi...
As a User, when I add a narration to a Journal, I should be able to view "Narration" column in my Account Enquiry Report so that I can view the data and filter it according to my needs.
You can see your "item" list but can't print reports on them. I want the ability to print a report on each individual item listed/used in reckon one. At the moment, in particular with expenses they are all grouped together in a total expense, with...
As a Reckon One user, I want to be able to record my business mileage in Reckon One. I currently have to use a spreadsheet for this, but would like to be able to log mileage as part of my business accounts.