BankData - Add a 'Contains' Transaction Rule.
A lot of the narration that comesfrom the bank includes additional text, i.e EFTPOSBrookvaleMcDonalds20181122154912.
A Contains Rule would allow the user to set a 'Contains McDonalds' rule which would apply to the above text.
I totally agree. I am new to Reckon (from Sage) which decided to close shop) and I am finding the tranactions rules incredibly frustrating. There seem to be too many parameters when setting rules. I also don't think there should be a "Description will be set to" box which potentially deletes part of the information brought in from the bank statement.
Another way to view this request is to base rules upon "text" not "words"
Text can be anything in a string that the user inputs whereas at the moment, Reckon is defining a "word" to be text separated by spaces. Most accounting systems I have used are based around text not words.
This is one of the big issues for me when comparing accounting systems - as rules are a massive time saver.
yes please
Yes! Great idea. We definitely need this!