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Simplify the Install & Upgrade Guide

Feedback from a User:: If a customer is to perform their own Reckon upgrade then the instructions need to be precise and concise. There appeared to be gaps in the instructions and incorrect descriptions used, plus at over 80 pages in length, is to...
over 6 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Add attachments to BAS or GST return

For more complex sales tax submissions, supplementary evidence may need to be submitted to a tax authority. This feature will allow Reckon One users to submit additional evidence (such as a supporting spreadsheet) with a sales tax return from the ...
over 6 years ago in Reckon One / Accounting 0 New idea

Allow invoice attached to credit note

so we can have a better understanding where the credit comes from without having to dig the paper file
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 0 New idea

A way to tag and report on P&L codes

A Report that capture classifcations, export code or some other tag so I can excluded certain codes (say drawings) from my P&L. Note, I could perhaps use an Equity code but then these codes would only appear in the Balance sheet which is not w...
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 New idea

Receipt and payment form to display tab totals

When you action a bankdata transaction as either a payment or a receipt, the transaction total is populated by default and you then need to enter the split information for that total. If you have many splits, you need to manually calculate the lin...
over 6 years ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 1 New idea

Add bank account column to receipt list page and payment list page

Make Payments List – add Bank Account Column On the Make Payments window, add an optional Column, Bank Account. I often need to see which account a payment was made from this is also good to see duplications.
over 6 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

Set the email from address to be the reply to address

Currently the from email address when emailing invoice is This causes an issue with many email prgrams and it is rejected as spam / junk. Within the setting there is a mandatory field of 'reply-to'. This should be used ...
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 1 Unlikely to be implemented

Introduce 'Quotes' area within Invoices Module

The difference between providing an estimate and providing a quote from a businesses point of view is that an estimate is not legally binding whilst a quote is. Although there is the ability to re-title the estimate forms to be called 'quotes' th...
over 6 years ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 0 New idea

Default Invoice Template

I've tried to find a solution to this dilemma but it's either not out there or simply doesn't work. Try as I might, I cannot get the Invoice Template to default to my template of choice. The number of times that I've sent an inferior invoice to my...
over 4 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 1 New idea

Terms & conditions / auto standard attachments / electronic signing

Really need to be able to add terms & conditions to all estimates & invoices as a standard attachment. In addition if these could be electronically acknowledged / signed
almost 7 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 1 New idea