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Reckon Customer Portal

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Ability to use an authenticator app for MFA for the Payroll app

(Payroll isn't available in the products dropdown above so I chose something else) It would be good to be able to use an authenticator app for MFA for Payroll so it can be accessed while travelling overseas.
over 1 year ago in Reckon Customer Portal 0 Planning to do

Make it easy for customers to pay themselves if a payment is missed

I recently got a new credit and so my monthly payment declined. I found out when my account was frozen and then saw the emails from Reckon in my junk folder. I then tried to pay by credit card but could not find anyway to do this easily. It should...
over 4 years ago in Reckon Customer Portal 1 Planning to do

1 invoice for all your subscriptions instead of multiple

At the moment, I see a lot of bank debits of $5-7 from my bank statement (around 30 lots of these). It would be much more better if you could just make a single invoice for all our client's subscription, and thereby have them all on the same cycle.
over 4 years ago in Reckon Customer Portal 0 Planning to do

Quicker way to login or re-login after inactivity - add a user prefererred default for where to start ?

I am finding it quite annoying to have to go through three steps to login, especially as I have to do this every time I lapse due to inactivity, which in fact is EVERY time I want to enter data. I have to reload ReckonOne, submit cached login deta...
about 6 years ago in Reckon Customer Portal 0 Planning to do

Only show subscriptions that added staff member has permission to

If I'm added as a staff for a company, currently, I can see all the subscriptions that the company has. But I should only see the subscriptions that I have permission to access. This is a privacy issue and we have received a lot of complaints from...
about 7 years ago in Reckon Customer Portal 0 Planning to do

Partner approval notification

When a partner has their application approved, we should send a notification in Portal
over 7 years ago in Reckon Customer Portal 0 Planning to do