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Add a Refresh Button for Bank Feeds

One the banking interface window the date shown of the last import date is often not up to date. This is fixed when I use my browser refresh button, but there should be a refresh button within the program. Also should display the internet bank bal...
9 months ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

Quick add suppliers when adding contact in fast coding

Make it easy to quickly add a new supplier/contact when allocating contact to transaction in fast coding window - rather than needing to go into new window to create it - similar feature exists in desktop version of reckon accounts
over 3 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 4 New idea

Merge Accounts in Chart of Accounts

Over time, you may need the ability to merge accounts - especially in the case where a duplicate account has been created which is likely for smaller organisations who have changes in their book keeper/accountant/treasurer.Currently there is no wa...
over 5 years ago in Reckon One / Accounting 1 New idea

Matching Rule - Transfer From 'All accounts'

At present, when undertaking 'Transfer Money', there is the option to transfer from 'All Accounts - Not just bank accounts'; however when you create a rule, you can only Transfer from bank accounts. Having the option to transfer from, not only ban...
12 months ago in Reckon One / Banking 2 New idea

Payroll - Total payroll cost

On the payroll show the total cost of the payroll, amount being paid+tax+super = total. Its nice to see its the amount you put aside to cover all of the employee employment costs
7 months ago in Reckon One / Payroll 0 New idea

Pay run Customisation and note taking

In each pay run, I used to add notes pertaining to weekend/public holiday/ overtime pay with specific dates for which these apply on Quickbooks Payroll. This very useful feature is not available on Reckon. It helps especially for casual employees ...
9 months ago in Reckon Web / Payroll 0 New idea

A report that TOTALS employee hours paid over a number of pay periods

Add report of TOTAL hours worked (summed) for each employee for one or many pay periods.
about 3 years ago in Reckon One / Payroll 4 New idea

Set an anniversary date for staff

It would be great to set an anniversary date, or essentially a pay review date, so that I can know X employee has been here 3 months, need a pay review, or to determine whether or not they are off probation. Or they have been here 12 months let's ...
10 months ago in Reckon Web / Payroll 0 New idea

Ability for Items to be entered as a negative qty on invoice lines

Ability for Items to be entered as a negative qty on invoices will allow you to enter a standard levy or discount against invoices that will give a description. Current discount option does not allow for a reason for the discount. As a scouting gr...
12 months ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 0 New idea

Name for PDF Download of Payslip to default to show Employee Name and Date Paid

In R1 Payroll Kendo, when you download the PDF view of the payslip, the name of the file to save defaulted to name of the employee and the Date paid of the payrun. In react, the default name is the generic number sequence of downloading from the P...
about 1 year ago in Reckon Web / Payroll 0 New idea