"Postal / Shipping Address is the Same As Business Address" checkbox and auto-population of fields
This is a super handy feature which I got used to in Quickbooks Online. If a Customer's or Supplier's Business Address details are the same as their Postage and Shipping addresses, it allows you to automatically populate the address fields simply ...
Need the ability to find transaction on multiple levels ie by either account number, name, amount etc, and recode those returned transasactions to the account that they should of been in, in the first place
Show employee total hours entered during Pay Run data entry along the bottom where there are totals - Gross Tax Super Net
We have pays split up to several projects and sometimes split days. Would be beneficial to have a progressive check of total hrs entered on each employee.
It would be good to have a few stored custom messages to select from, to put in the Notes section at the bottom of the invoice. Reckon Accounts allowed me to select from several stored custom messages. This saves having to cut and paste every time...
Account Enquiry Report, add the option to type the Account Name into the search bar
When filtering Account Enquiry Report, add the option to type the Account Name into the search bar rather than having to scroll through the entire Chart Of Account before you find the one you want. While you are at it, could you also add a reset o...
Ability to filter by classification on all reports. https://community.reckon.com/reckon/topics/reckon-one-enhancements-19-december-2016-imfkqh6iv3359 https://community.reckon.com/reckon/topics/is-class-tracking-available-in-reckon-one
When creating a rule, allow for item OR account to be entered
When creating a rule, I get to select accounts and amounts. But when recording receipts I get to enter produict item OR account. I would would like the same option in creating a rule. The rule creation process is out of step with the receipt entry...