We create our budgets in excel. It would be really helpful to be able to copy from our budget and paste into the Cretae Budget page, ideally atleast a row at a time. At present, you cannot paste into this page and I need to manually enter every va...
Option to allocate 1 whole BILL to an individual customer instead of always having to allocate the same customer to every line
Having another option to allocate 1 whole BILL to an individual customer instead of always having to allocate the same customer to every line on the Suppliers Bill.
I would like the ability to view phone numbers in my contacts list. As a column I can then use Reckon One's column filters to search contacts by number.
As a Reckon One user, I would like the system to send an automated 'thank you' email to a customer when an invoice is paid.
The text for the email could be user designed and utilise existing 'tag' functionality available for Reckon One emails.
I ...
Add a "invoice paid" field in - Day to day › Money in › Invoices
At this stage I can see when the invoice is created, when its due, but cannot see when it was paid, unless I click on each individual invoice. It would be useful to see at a glance on the paid screen.
Allow users to specify the default view shown on Portal login
This is similar to the idea posted here: https://ideas.reckon.com/ideas/RKN1-I-499 Users should be able to specify the default view that is loaded upon login. This should include the view, and the default company loaded. This would alleviate a num...