More than 200 price levels or the ability to completely deleted old ones
We have a number of customers with individual price schedules which are updated annually. We have exceeded the "200 available", now it is a matter of reusing old ones and data entering all product price into the price level. When price levels are ...
Screen Time out for Reckon Account Hosted should not be there
as per the current experience , with the Reckon Account Hosted , I have to deal with the customer and whenever I come back to carry on with the work the screen goes off and I have to login again and again due to which I loss all the input which I ...
When preparing an invoice, the amount of characters you are able to type into the 'SUBURB' box is limited to 13. I would like this extended if possible so my longer suburbs are not cut off as they don't fit in the box!
It would be useful to have the ability to 'BOLD' text within descriptions, not necessarily the whole description, just certain words, same as able to highlight & format text in every other program that has editing
Make Customer Type tick list so they can be multiple "types"
My customers are not one "type" and can fall into multiple "types"
I want to tick what they are rather than have to endlessly create multiple "X&Y" categories to get the right combination.
to be able to pay creditor with order but not register stock as being received
customers can pay with order but suppliers cannot . I pay most of my suppliers with order as i do not like to run supplier accounts . would also be good for one off orders from suppliers that may not be used again .
Track the number of days worked for Annual QLeave Report
As an employer of casual employees in the Queensland Construction Industries I am required to report annually the amount of days or part days my employees work. This can't be calculated using the hours worked, eg 16 hours for a week could be 2 day...
Add a date paid to the paid stamp status on invoices. Sometimes I can't easily find the date a particular invoice was paid. I have created a report for this, but sometimes it would be easier if this was at the source itself.