By option to use own email by having area to use reckon mail server or own send mail setup will alleviate issues with spam, missed emails and allow better tracking of emails.
Create a setting to NOT use account codes, which would also then by default UNTICK the Code in all reports. If that is not possible create a new setting under Settings > General > Report settings That can be ticked or unticked to use Account...
Compare my data against ATO performance benchmarks
As a business I would like to see how my financial results compare to the ATO performance benchmarks to: Alert me to where my business is over or under performing. Ensure my business falls within industry benchmarks to reduce my chance of being au...
Feature to Change account type, for example from Asset to Liability , or expense to COGS, beneficial if the COA was set-up incorrectly, and needs to be changed, especially if there are heaps of transactions.
Email settings Invoice template add special tag contact name
So that when you generate the email to customer it can say "Hi contact name" instead of "Hi Organisation name" - in my invoices I want to generate an email that says hi to the first name of the accounts person I am sending to.
BankData - Add a 'Contains' Transaction Rule. A lot of the narration that comesfrom the bank includes additional text, i.e EFTPOSBrookvaleMcDonalds20181122154912. A Contains Rule would allow the user to set a 'Contains McDonalds' rule which would ...