Super (SGA) Items can have PAYG ticked which means that they are included in Tax Calculations
In Reckon Accounts, PAYG was being incorrectly calculated, on investigation it was because my Super (SGA) Item had been setup to be included in PAYG calculations. This should be disabled or a Waning appear when creating the SGA item.
Bug report - inactive "supplier remittance advice" is not inactive.
I can make the default "supplier remittance advice" inactive on the templates list but that does not make it inactive.I'd like to be able to make it actually inactive.
You can email a remittance advice if you pay via a bank account, you should be able to send a remittance advice if you pay by credit card. More businesses acccept credit card payments and it is imperative they alocate the money corectly a remitanc...
At the bottom of create invoices add a 'save' button not a save and close or save & new.
When two or more people are writting invoices you steal each others invoice numbers. Who ever saves first gets the number the other has to adjust everything that has the invoice number added to it eg; emails, job lists and paperwork. You dont know...
When you go to print payslips and you want to print multiple for one person you have to manually tick each payslip and make sure you don't tick the other employees. I have had request for payslips for the past 12 months (52 weeks worth) payslips b...