Show support tickets in top RHS menu bar. this is std for all other cloud apps I use.
feature should allow new tickets to be lodged and a resulting notification to appear in notifications show current status of all tickets, active at the top along with its latest update from support (sortable) ability to add comments/updates in act...
Ability to use an authenticator app for MFA for the Payroll app
(Payroll isn't available in the products dropdown above so I chose something else)
It would be good to be able to use an authenticator app for MFA for Payroll so it can be accessed while travelling overseas.
The ability to sort tiles (we have 110 of them) would save a lot of time scrolling through pages to find the right one. Having a list view as well as a tile view whould also help.
It is extremely frustrating that you are able to send an email saying that you have taken a payment from our account and our subscription has been renewed, but you still use post to send the actual invoice out. Either include the invoice number on...
Be able to have the search function in all areas of the Portal
If you could have the search function in Bankdata, STP even partners client lists it would make it so much faster to find your client especially if you have a few.
professional partner commission report more organised
The statement that we get has the first column called INVOICE ID can you not just put the client's name/reckon book file name there instead? the invoice ID means very little.
Make it easy for customers to pay themselves if a payment is missed
I recently got a new credit and so my monthly payment declined. I found out when my account was frozen and then saw the emails from Reckon in my junk folder. I then tried to pay by credit card but could not find anyway to do this easily. It should...
1 invoice for all your subscriptions instead of multiple
At the moment, I see a lot of bank debits of $5-7 from my bank statement (around 30 lots of these). It would be much more better if you could just make a single invoice for all our client's subscription, and thereby have them all on the same cycle.