Time cards are done in employee number, lowest number 1st. Currently only can sort by name. Sorting by number will give more flexibility and improve data entry speed for my company
I run a Thursday to Wednesday pay week primarily so casual employees get their pays on or before Friday of the current work week. The input sheet (enter hours worked) does not align with the nominated pay schedule. For example the input sheet goes...
It would very handy to business selling big variety of product to be advised if an item is low in stock or out of stock once a delivery docket is saved. We only get a message once an invoice is created which will only work fine for cash sales but ...
You can import a chart of accounts but you cannot export the standard chart which comes with IPA. That means when you import you can duplicate accounts. To prevent this you have to hand write out the existing chart! An unproductive waste of time
I wonder if you are considering adding another search option to Amount column. There are three existing options - above, below and equal. How about between like you did for Date column? Appreciate your consideration.