Payroll reports need the option to scale to fit to page/s
When printing a Payroll Summary Report for example, you cannot scale the report to fit to one page wide in landscape orientation with columns spilling over to a second page. You currently need to export to Excel then print to a PDF telling Excel t...
The standard Chart of Accounts is missing 2 key accounts, Wages & Salaries (should be a sub of Payroll expenses) and Telephone. Can these be added to the backend so when a book is created, they are there and don't need to be created.
Electronic TFN declaration should be part of ReckonOne. If you have the Payroll Module you should have this feature. It would save in having to mail original forms to ATO. All the information is contain within the employee set up information. So i...
Calculate Superannuation on Annual Leave Loading at users discretion
There are no settings in the Superannuation or Annual leave item setups to include annual leave loading in the superannuation guarantee calculation. It [admin edit: can be] a requirement that super be calculated on annual leave and leave loading a...
For people without ABNs but require the payroll functionality, there is no field to capture our PAYG Withholding number.
I would like to put it on the payslips and I'm pretty sure that when it comes time to do the annual payment summaries it will ...
All employee time worked is calculated in a spreadsheet based off the roster for the week. I then have to enter all the hours for each employee into Reckon One Payroll. If I could simply upload the hours then review in Reckon this would save a lot...
HMRC are currently updating their dat connection service to a modern API service: see details here:
Note: Reckon UK has registered the product 'Reckon One UK' as an appli...