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Reckon GovConnect

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Ability to Archive Reckon GovConnect entity Tiles not in use

It would be great to be able to archive STP tiles not in use. The screen gets clogged up with companies no longer in existence.
about 1 year ago in Reckon GovConnect 0 Future consideration

Ability to print the ATO lodgement summary screen

Currently users do not have direct print functionality in Reckon GovConnect STP, having to rely on the browsers interpretation of the page to do so either directly to paper or PDF. This idea is to gauge interest in having direct print capability ...
over 5 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 6 In development

Allow for quarterly STP reporting for closely held employees as accepted by the ATO

ATO allows closely held employees to report STP quarterly. This saves the client the cost of monthly reports through the tax agent.
over 3 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 2 Already exists

Multiple MFA mobile numbers assigned to one account!

Would like to be able to set up more than one MFA mobile number to one account as not one person in the company completes the payroll
about 5 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 1 Unlikely to be implemented

Get rid of multiple sign-ins when doing multiple STP payments

Why should I have to sign in multiple times with username & password when wanting to go back and forth to upload another pay event. This is extremely time consuming and annoying. I should only have to do it once.
over 4 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 1 New idea

Secondary MFA

Allowing a secondary MFA would help people that have little/no reception, or if they have forgotten their phone for the day for example, or accessing from a different location, they have the option to use an alternative method (email, Google Auth,...
over 5 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 0 New idea

Ability to Delete Clients from GovConnect Subscription List

Useful for all BAS & Tax Agents when clients have either voluntarily or forcefully left your business, to ensure that we (the business) are not charged fees for an inactive client. Also useful when we have been asked to setup STP but not been ...
almost 5 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 0 New idea

Ability to change view from Tiles to List

Can we please have a choice of viewing clients GovConnect for STP in a list instead of square tiles.
about 5 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 0 Future consideration

Ability to hide away unused Customers Tiles ie Inactive Clients

BAS Agents that lodge STP for multiple clients need to be able to hide inactive clients Tiles otherwise there can be too many to manage.
about 5 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 0 Future consideration

Add the ability to change the Branch Number for my company

I would like to be able to change the branch number for my GovConnect subscription, Currently im not able to do this within the application.
over 3 years ago in Reckon GovConnect 0 New idea