RP - Keep the order of pay items consistent throughout the site
There are a few screens where the pay items are listing and they are not always in the same sort order. To keep with consistency, ensure the order is always the same. For example, in Settings, it is not showing the correct order.
Employee 'Income Statement' for reconciling STP and providing to Employees
It would be good if you could add an 'Income Statement' report for Employees showing a breakdown of the amounts paid to the Employee during the Financial year. This could be used by the payroll officer to reconcile the STP amounts that have been l...
One the banking interface window the date shown of the last import date is often not up to date. This is fixed when I use my browser refresh button, but there should be a refresh button within the program. Also should display the internet bank bal...
Quick add suppliers when adding contact in fast coding
Make it easy to quickly add a new supplier/contact when allocating contact to transaction in fast coding window - rather than needing to go into new window to create it - similar feature exists in desktop version of reckon accounts
Over time, you may need the ability to merge accounts - especially in the case where a duplicate account has been created which is likely for smaller organisations who have changes in their book keeper/accountant/treasurer.Currently there is no wa...