Would be great to have button to backup and restore entire database at admin level without calling Reckon One support. This is particularly important when data is accessed by multiple users and bulk altered/deleted.
It would be useful to be able to line the receipt numbers with those in the paper receipt book, so being able to amend the starting receipt number would be beneficial!
Create a customer group field for customers so they can be grouped by a common boundaries such as locality, wholesale, retail etc. The custoemr group could be added to the customer ribbon so customers could be sorted by Customer group. As a scout ...
You need to be a computer programmer to search for anything in R1 using search. You need to guess what paramaters reckon one is wanting i.e invoice customer is "John Smith" or Payment of 313.56 (doesn't work) has to be payment is 313.56. It just n...
Add Reference and Description fields to the Account Enquiry Report
I use both the Reference (Header) and Description (Line Item) fields to assist in reviewing and reconciling line items. Without a report that shows these, my task is made all the harder.
It seems only logical that the Account Enquiry Report should...
Ability to import / export data in various formats to and from Reckon One
And import from a few common spreadsheet formats (eg XLS, ODS, CSV) as well as an XML file. Must be able to import chart of accounts, debtor/creditor history & transactions, stock items & values, journal transactions, documents.
Obviously ...