Ability to show total hours worked for period on Payslips
You see total hours when processing a pay, however. it is not displayed on the Payslip. It would be useful for both Employee and Employer to see total hours worked displayed on a Payslip to allow quick and easy matching back to Timesheets.
I would like to run a report that consolidates all change logs (history) in Reckon One. This report should have multiple filter options including User, Date, Transaction Type, Change Type etc...
The Account Inquiry report has an option to filter the report by selected accounts. The same option in the P&L would allow me to create a smaller P&L for a sub-set of accounts. For example, I have an investment property for which I would l...
I would like a payroll report that shows a more detailed version of a specific employee + a total pay item/category report. The current reckon payroll detailed report just shows all payruns done for that employee. It should total it. See example a...
It would be very beneficial if we could add other fields to email templates. ie the purchase order or reference number. As this is a data field, just like the name field this should not be difficult to do. You should also be able to add company lo...
Allow highlighting or Bold font in the body of purchase orders for important instructions.
When writing purchase orders to suppliers, it would be helpful to have a hightlight or bold text function to make any special instructions clearly stand out as details are sometimes missed and I believe this addition would be very useful in reduci...