As a Reckon One user, I want to be able to record my business mileage in Reckon One. I currently have to use a spreadsheet for this, but would like to be able to log mileage as part of my business accounts.
It would be really useful for Reckon Accounts to have the ability to choose a reply to email address for different forms which are emailed directly from the software. Currently the reply email goes to the email address in the Company Information, ...
Select multiple Bank Transactions to apply the same account
On the Bank Transactions screen i regularly use the ‘allocate payment’ option to cost a number of transactions to the same contact & account. It would save a large amount of time if we could choose the contact & account, then select multip...
It would be helpful if there was a section to add a credit card surcharge directly at the Pay Bills screen rather than having to modifying the bill or add it in separately.
Open the search/find function with that last search for that user
I don't know how many times I have closed a search only to realise I needed more data and have to start over again from scratch, (but if I were to estimate I would hazard that it is at least 3 times a day (for the last 20 years)) This is an option...