Enter TOIL accrued (and banked for later) in timesheet so that it comes across to Reckon Payroll correctly
We are trying to set up timesheets in Reckon One for our employees so that this info can be integrated into Reckon Payroll for our fortnightly pay schedule and are having trouble entering TOIL hours accrued for the fortnight. Instead of paying tim...
Warn users for missing Service Item when Time Activities are entered
For Time activities, we can set a Supplier as the Name. It allows it to be saved without an Item.
But to create a Bill, it needs to have a Service Item.
Depending on use case, or if we always need to raise a Bill transaction, then a warning mess...
It is very frustrating when you are distracted or called away from your desk after inputting invoices or estimates etc to return to your desk to find you have been logged out due to inactivity and everything you have entered id lost. Auto save wor...
We need third Party Time sheet ( Miterfinch) on Reckon add on Market Place
Since there are few app that already in Zapier and we need some more them to be integrated hence we require this MitreFinch to be added on the Reckon Ad-On Marketplace to complete our Automation for more than 200 employees. Need to be done as soon...
I find that leave accrual, especially that for long service leave, does not have adequate decimal places to be calculated correctly by Reckon ie 10 years of services equates to 8.6667 wks and accrued at 0.86667 wks per year. The government calcula...
Compulsory PO number field for selected customers on POS for Reckon Accounts
We have customers who require PO numbers, but as a failsafe measure we would like to be able to select customers who require PO numbers in Reckon Accounts to trigger a required field for a PO number to be added before the sale can be ended on POS.
When importing bank transactions, I would like to be able to choose my VAT/tax code in the same way I can choose my account and contact. Being able to do this quickly will save lots of time when importing many transactions.