When importing bank transactions, I would like to be able to choose my VAT/tax code in the same way I can choose my account and contact. Being able to do this quickly will save lots of time when importing many transactions.
Many businesses would benefit from the ability to write estimates /quotes on the reckon one app. Because I am usually on the road, I don't have a laptop with me. I need to be able to write estimates / quotes on the road. I would be able to achieve...
At the moment the total on the SuperStream page only shows the total per employee but not the total superannuation that exists in the batch. Simple, but useful.
Feature to Change account type, for example from Asset to Liability , or expense to COGS, beneficial if the COA was set-up incorrectly, and needs to be changed, especially if there are heaps of transactions.
A number of my customers require purchase order numbers on invoices issued, at the moment the only workaround is a hack to use the address details or some other customisable field. Given that its just HTML, why not add a customisable field that us...
BankData - Add a 'Contains' Transaction Rule. A lot of the narration that comesfrom the bank includes additional text, i.e EFTPOSBrookvaleMcDonalds20181122154912. A Contains Rule would allow the user to set a 'Contains McDonalds' rule which would ...