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Add extra column for Customer Purchase order number in Sales Order display

This will be useful to check on the Customer Purchase order when they call to ask how it is progressing
almost 7 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Make total of Bill payment amt to pay field copyable

In the pay bills screen make the total field at the bottom of the screen copyable. To reduce data entry errors make the total field copyable so that when you are paying a number of bills from the same supplier you can copy and paste the total.
over 3 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Show transaction ID's for transfers, receipts & payments

Currently Reckon One shows the unique transaction ID's for journals, estimates, invoices, bills, adjustment notes & expense claims. Can we do the same for transfers, receipts & payments.
almost 7 years ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 0 New idea

Client has a Class Field

We work with Classes to do reporting for separate departments. If each client can be allocated with a class it will save time for me to go through 1000 invoices amonth and put each invoice to a class,
almost 7 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Client accounts VAT summary for partner

Functionality to allow an accountant / advisor partner to review and submit client VAT returns in bulk. For partners with many clients, having to go into each client account to perform this task is time consuming. A more efficient way of working i...
almost 7 years ago in Reckon Customer Portal 0 New idea

Allow financial institutions to be added that don't have the ability to be "connected"

I would like to be able to add finance investment accounts as Bank Accounts, so to be able to have an "other/not listed" option for accounts that aren't in the list. Sure they won't be able to be "connected" but at least I can treat it like a Bank...
almost 7 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 4 Already exists

Customise Payment Receipt

This would allow a quick easy option of supplying customers with a receipt with one click. Being able to customize making it more professional and show information you want to be showed.
over 3 years ago in Reckon Cloud POS 0 New idea

Name Rules

When creating Rules in Reckon One, there should be the ability to decide based on “Name”, e.g. if the Name = ‘Telstra Bigpond’, then allocate to “internet” account. Currently appears that you can only write rules based on Description or Reference....
almost 7 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

Payslip template - grouping by tax/type

Currently payslip <Standard - one per page> is not editable but it's the only template that groups Payroll Codes by tax type (deductions, earnings etc).Is it possible to add the "grouping" function to normal templates to be able to simplify ...
over 3 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Hosted only 0 New idea


Be able to change size of lines depth and not just column width so that if you are using a devise with a small screen you can make the line bigger to enable seeing all the information that came through from the bank
over 3 years ago in Reckon One 0 New idea