Payroll Summary Report to show date of selected pay run, not say ...for the month ending 30 Sept19
Every time we do a pay run we want a report for that particular pay day. We can select to just show the figures for one pay run but the heading still states "For the month ending...". This is incorrect.
As a Reckon One user, I would like the system to send an automated 'thank you' email to a customer when an invoice is paid.
The text for the email could be user designed and utilise existing 'tag' functionality available for Reckon One emails.
I ...
Would be great to have the option to add a column showing the amount of GST charged on each transaction recorded in the 'Reckon One transactions' page. We have a number of international transaction that shouldn't be charged GST and would be conven...
Used to measure the operating efficiency of a business by determining the percentage, or ratio, of sales that have turned into after-tax profit. Best used in conjunction with other ratios or for benchmarking against business's of similar size...
Used to measure the operating efficiency of a business by determining the percentage, or ratio, of sales that have turned into pre-tax profit. Formula: Net Profit before Taxes / Sales
Measures the efficiency with which a company uses its assets to produce sales. Formula: Net sales / Average assets for the period (Total Assets = average for the period calculated)
Measures the proportionate amount of income that can be used to cover interest expenses in the future. The ratio therefore indicates a business's ability to cover debt obligations based on current income. Larger ratios are considered more favourab...