We have a labour only contractor that I must deduct 20% withholding tax (building industry). The contractor is GST registered. There is no ability to pay the contractor through payroll so the withholding tax is accounted for in the Payday filing w...
To be able to create a profit and loss for each bank account.
We have to provide separate P & L and balance sheets to CAV and the Tax Office for different bank accounts, and another to our accountant for our trading account. The ability to filter the accounts that need to appear on each P & L would b...
Reconciliation Summary to show reconciled balance as a bank rec is being completed rather than just difference
When doing a large bank rec, it enables you to check the balance against the bank statement as you go rather than having to get to the end and then find you are not in balance.
Payroll Summary Report -ticks for Hours & Rate as an additional step
Rather than the Payroll Summary Report having the Hours & Rate automatically ticked, can it be the other way around and the standard report be unticked. If you want hours & rates you can modify and tick them to add them to the report. Most...
Add support for the STP Phase 2 'Income Type' OSP: Other Specified Payments
I need to pay employees under the Other Specified Payments Income Type For more info on this Income Type, see: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2023C00430