Reconciliation Summary to show reconciled balance as a bank rec is being completed rather than just difference
When doing a large bank rec, it enables you to check the balance against the bank statement as you go rather than having to get to the end and then find you are not in balance.
Very valuable feature. If you reconcile chronologically then you can check against bank running balance as you go. Useful for clients who process payroll and the individual amounts appear in bank but total in Reckon One or vice versa. Feature is available in RA.
This is being considered in the new banking design. Thanks guys.
Would love to see this feature - makes reconciling much easier with multiple BS pages to see balances as you progress through.
This feature would be very awesome. Definately needed feature in Reckon One
Totally agree that this should be a feature please.
Very valuable feature. If you reconcile chronologically then you can check against bank running balance as you go. Useful for clients who process payroll and the individual amounts appear in bank but total in Reckon One or vice versa.
Feature is available in RA.