Fast Coding - Bank Feed description/longer name display
When opening our Fast Coding file in the browser I can currently not see enough information on what Bank account feed I am working with.We have over 8 different bank accounts and the name on each bank account is obviously our full business name.Ha...
Where invoices have been credited, they should be stamped as 'credited' rather than paid.
This would prevent costly sales errors. When searching customer history staff see that a customer has bought a particular item because the invoice shows a paid stamp when in many instances the invoice has been credited, and NOT PAID. This has resu...
Reckon Accounts Hosted is awesome on a computer but much harder to use on a smartphone using a browser as it doesn't fit the window well and you can't see everything you need to see at once. An app would be wonderful.
By option to use own email by having area to use reckon mail server or own send mail setup will alleviate issues with spam, missed emails and allow better tracking of emails.
Do not display the inactive items in Price level list
When entering or editing the price level by item, it displays all active and inactive items in the list. Request that the inactive items should not show in the list.
The import & export functionality in Enterprise is just not cutting the grade when comparing the software to others on the market.
Can I suggest that this area be improved so that it is user friendly (ie NOT "iff) and has a wizard to ass...
Have payments NOT sitting as Cheques to Print when going through to Reckon Data file
When payment transactions are pushed through to Reckon, they are sitting as cheques to print, can this be changed as this clogs up the data file and you don't need to print a cheque after payment is made.
Add the ability to edit or delete multiple items in the item list rather than having to do things one by one. For a business that has around 10000 items in the item list this takes way to long to update this list when needed.
We live in a digital world and if we need to send a customer a letter from a template created, it would be easier to email rather than print and post, which is also a large cost.