Having stored documents is great, however users would like to be able to see and management all documents in a central screen as well, including the ability to upload documents from this location and assign to a transaction later.
Stapled super fund information available from within Reckon payroll
In regards to the ATOs stapled super fund mandate, it would be great as a business owner if I could return the employees stapled fund from within the payroll application. Ref: https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Super-for-employers/Stapled-super-funds/
Allow user to customise financial year dates for budgets and reporting
Currently, Financial Year is set to the default for the country you are in. However, it would be good to have an option to do a budget for a calendar year.
Make it easy for customers to pay themselves if a payment is missed
I recently got a new credit and so my monthly payment declined. I found out when my account was frozen and then saw the emails from Reckon in my junk folder. I then tried to pay by credit card but could not find anyway to do this easily. It should...