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Why does the "Description" field in a rule need to be Fixed. Can it be the original "Description" ?

When importing transactions you can "adjust" bank data to clean the import by adding a code such as "Sponsor" to the description or "Dave Fields - 115" to reflect the invoice. Rules should be able to look for "Sponsor" or "Dave Fields" but still i...
over 5 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 1 New idea

Auto-allocate employee numbers

Reckon one allows you to repeat an employee number already used without an error message. Would be handy if it would automatically allot the next number (up by one).
almost 5 years ago in Reckon One / Payroll 0 New idea

Add allowances to Timesheet

adding the automation for allowances to be automatically added on payrun
over 1 year ago in Reckon One / Payroll 1

Copy details for a sales order and invoice

We receive multiple orders of the same product from a customer that have different order numbers and job numbers and sometimes quantities. They are required to be kept separate and invoiced separately, so we are entering the same item numbers in m...
over 3 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 1 Already exists

Payroll Summary Report -ticks for Hours & Rate as an additional step

Rather than the Payroll Summary Report having the Hours & Rate automatically ticked, can it be the other way around and the standard report be unticked. If you want hours & rates you can modify and tick them to add them to the report. Most...
over 1 year ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 1 New idea

Improved layout to fit landscape screen & retention of previous account selection

I am forever having to scroll to see all information on data entry screens as there is sooo much empty space between fields. Yes I can zoom out but then writing is small. It would be great to condense spacing so that it fits on one 16 x 9 screen. ...
over 3 years ago in Reckon One / Accounting 0 In development

Match transactions Bank feeds - Internal Transfers

When transferring payments inbetween bank accounts the transfer isn't matching . Eg transferring from Chq ac to Credit Card. The amount transfers in Reckon Hosted, but the corresponding Credit doesn't match in the Credit Card Feed
about 4 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / BankData 0 Planning to do

Add "Unallocated Amount" info in the "Allocate detailed receipt" function

Give us "Unallocated amount" information like the one in fast coding. When inside "Allocate detailed receipt" view, very often the payment is for multiple invoices. Currently there is no way to know which invoices should be allocated to this bulk ...
over 2 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

Ability to save report settings

No description provided
almost 5 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 New idea

Stop locking invoices after they have been paid

I have to reallocate a lot of invoices in order to provide a more detailed P&L that my client has requested. For some reason each time an invoice is paid it completely locks down, I have to unlink the payment, change the item, search for the p...
over 6 years ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 1 New idea