Activate a WARNING message if a product is being sold BELOW COST.
This should be relatively easy to put around the cost field of the invoicing section. We have had a few instances where a product was sold way BELOW COST. This could have been prevented just by having this small feature available.
To have a list of transactions attached to a Customer or Supplier's name, so that when accessing a particular customer/supplier, details of their past transactions appear. This would save the need to raise a Statement to view transactions.
Add a "Save & Copy" option to the existing drop down when creating Invoices
When creating very similar invoices for many customers : the existing "Copy Invoice" is very useful to ensure a consistent invoice and speed up the create invoice step.
For desktop version, set up so that multiuser option is asked at every open.
In desktop version, to open in multiuser requires a tick box only available in open new company, not available on login screen.
We swap between multiuser and single user often and having the multiuser on the login screen would make starting much q...