Increasing the character limits for notes in the Employee section.
Any type of events such as sick leave, annual leave approvals requested by employees should be able to be recorded. Unfortunately, I'm running into the problem of no longer able to enter these details into the employee's history.
Previous year column options added to the Statement of Cash Flows report
It is now a requirement that the end of financial year reports should include a Statement of Cash Flows., This report is available in the reports group. Add Columns feature available for Profit and Loss and for Balance Sheet to Statement of Cash F...
To include a field for individual bill paid dates on the 'Custom Transaction Detail Report' for Suppliers. Requirement by the government - 'Payment Times Reporting Scheme'.
Swap location of Template (Print Preview) & Amount includes Tax when creating an invoice.
When creating an invoice it would be more helpful to be able to tick or untick 'Amount includes Tax' before creating the invoice so it would be helpful when using the 'Tab' key to be able to do this first rather than going to the Template which re...