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eInvoicing Authorisation

Introduce different users authorisation function in newly introduced elnvoicing so that when invoices are sent an Accounts payable personnel can redirect them to get an approval for the expense within the software
over 2 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

The Super Fund Name to pick up the SGA Agency in Reckon Standard Pay Slip instead of the Company Contribution's

The value for the Super Fund Name field uses the Agency for the Company Contribution instead of the correct Super Fund Name in the Reckon Standard Pay Slip Template. The issue still occurs even with a new template or recreating the Data Field Supe...
over 1 year ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Allow billable time & costs to be sorted by fields (ie. Service Item) when invoicing

Employees work on various stages of the same project at the same time, but we often only bill one stage at a time. Currently, to select all the entries pertaining to the relevant service item, you have to scroll through each entry in date order, m...
over 2 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Set up for the entering of share purchase, dividend and sales data for investors/SMSF

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 2 New idea

when an estimate is changed to an invoice that shows on the estimate list as converted to a sale

estimates stay as live estimates unless you tick the box to make it inactive, I would like to see at a glance what estimates have been converted to sales in the estimates field
almost 4 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea


I recently had an issue with the item list, in as much as there had been some changes made to the unit of measure and selling prices. In looking at the audit trail, there is no provision to see who modified the item list. This is a very bad shortc...
over 6 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Ability to see part payment against a supplier Invoice by Invoice number

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 4 New idea

Add Job Scheduling

Would be great to have job scheduling built in, so that when the job is done, we can click straight from there to invoicing it. Just like the current Estimating function, only for job bookings, (i.e. jobs that don't need to be estimated or quoted,...
over 6 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 0 New idea

Automatically assign and display employee numbers to employees in Reckon Accounts Premier Edition 2018 to be compliant with Single Touch Payroll data export.

All employees must have an employee number assigned to them otherwise the STP file will not upload or be accepted. It would be great if the program would automatically assign employee numbers to new employees as well as display them beside their n...
over 6 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 1 Already exists

Add a tax column to "Make Deposits" so we can deduct Commission fees from 3rd parties, e.g Ebay, Paypal, Zip, Afterpay etc.

I would imagine a lot of companies now use a 3rd party when receiving payments from customers , whilst the customer pays by Afterpay (for example), in full, the amount transferred to us is less their commission which makes it very hard to claim th...
almost 4 years ago in Reckon Accounts Business / Desktop & Hosted 2 Unlikely to be implemented