It would be very helpful to have the tax amount column populate when running A/R and A/P detail reports to show the GST component. This is crucial information for doing GST reconciliations. Without this report it is necessary to open each invoice ...
When adding a new item you should have the ability to set the discount level on the item as you create it, eg Price level A, price level B etc. This would eliminate time trying to find the item especially if you have over 1000 products.
Reckon Accounts Hosted - Supplier set up - additional insurance follow up box (contractors edition)
The ability to follow up with suppliers for their insurance certificates is great but sometimes we require more than two types of insurance, could it be possible to have another box with the abiity to change the label. Currently the only options a...
We receive multiple orders of the same product from a customer that have different order numbers and job numbers and sometimes quantities. They are required to be kept separate and invoiced separately, so we are entering the same item numbers in m...
Payroll Summary Report -ticks for Hours & Rate as an additional step
Rather than the Payroll Summary Report having the Hours & Rate automatically ticked, can it be the other way around and the standard report be unticked. If you want hours & rates you can modify and tick them to add them to the report. Most...