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Ability to attach my bank statement to a reconciliation

When I have created a reconciliation I would like the ability to attach the soft copy of the statement (eg pdf) to the reconciliation.
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

Save option button in "allocated detailed payment" in Bank Transactions

In the bills module there is an option on saving the entry which then allows you to make an attachment. The save option is not the same in the "allocate detailed payment", it just takes you out of the screen once save is clicked. Attachment then h...
over 1 year ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

Tax codes on bank imports

When importing bank transactions, I would like to be able to choose my VAT/tax code in the same way I can choose my account and contact. Being able to do this quickly will save lots of time when importing many transactions.
almost 7 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 2 New idea

Retain last used selections in drop-down fields

When making deposit entries I have to select "My bank account" for every new receipt. I need thatto remain fixed until I change it.Likewise, the Project selection is new for every line but should be repeated for new lines until I change it. This c...
over 3 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 1 New idea

Pop up warning for csv imports. Overwritten data cannot be undone.

It is too easy to accidentally overwrite entries in the banking field that have not been appropriated. I recommend a pop up window brings a warning that reads something like ‘ Clear all existing entries in the transaction tab before you import ano...
about 1 year ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

BankData - Add a 'Contains' Transaction Rule

BankData - Add a 'Contains' Transaction Rule. A lot of the narration that comesfrom the bank includes additional text, i.e EFTPOSBrookvaleMcDonalds20181122154912. A Contains Rule would allow the user to set a 'Contains McDonalds' rule which would ...
about 6 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 4 New idea

fast coding allow for transfers to be entered between accounts

in fast coding the transfer transaction appears but you cannot process as its a transfer between accounts.
over 3 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

Rectify wrongly applied rule to multiple bank transactions in one go

Right now it is a labor intensive process, as you have to do each transaction individually after you have auto accepted a match rule for multiple transactions. It will save heaps of time for those who work with high volume.
almost 4 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 1 New idea

Filtering banking data on money in / money out

can we add an option to filter money out and money in , and payment search should be more easy in banking data
over 1 year ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 New idea

Why does the "Description" field in a rule need to be Fixed. Can it be the original "Description" ?

When importing transactions you can "adjust" bank data to clean the import by adding a code such as "Sponsor" to the description or "Dave Fields - 115" to reflect the invoice. Rules should be able to look for "Sponsor" or "Dave Fields" but still i...
over 5 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 1 New idea