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Able to change text label of default bank accounts

It would be useful to be able to change the account label of "My Bank Account" to something more meaningful for the user, eg "CBA Daily Account"
about 4 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 Already exists

Reconciliation of Liability Bank Accounts

Bank Loans are usually set up as Liability Accounts not Bank Accounts. Ability to reconcile is essential. At the moment, there is no option to reconcile a liablity account
about 4 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 Already exists

Bankfeeds for Bendigo Bank

Be able to use bank feeds for more types of banks
about 5 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 Already exists

Re-allocation of expenses and income entries when an entry is posted to the incorrect account.

It would be really helpful please if the user could reallocate an expense or income item when an incorrect posting has occurred. Once the bank account is reconciled, the only way to reallocate an incorrect posting is to undo the bank reconciliatio...
over 5 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 0 Already exists

Hide reconciled items

Also why can't we hide already reconciled items anymore. I want it back. It was so much easier.
almost 6 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 1 Already exists

bank account balance

I would like to see a balance of what is in my bank accounts when looking at them. One of my accounts has money in and out daily and it would make reconciling this account 1000% easier if I could see the amount in it without having to generate a r...
about 6 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 1 Already exists

Allow financial institutions to be added that don't have the ability to be "connected"

I would like to be able to add finance investment accounts as Bank Accounts, so to be able to have an "other/not listed" option for accounts that aren't in the list. Sure they won't be able to be "connected" but at least I can treat it like a Bank...
over 6 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 4 Already exists