Week ending date + Hours Worked to Payroll Summary Report
The 'Payroll Summary' report is missing two major details. Week ending date - the date showing at the top of the report should be the week ending date not the payment date. This is important for reporting and review purposes. Hours worked. This is...
Option to design own invoice, bill and pay slip templates
This would allow clients who moved from desktop ranges to reckon one have that feature which they are already familiar with and expecting the same in reckon one.
Want a report that tells me when and how many hours leave an employee took. Require Employee Name; start and finish dates of leave; type of leave; hours taken. Want to be able to present the report for specific dates.
There really needs to be a report to show the leave taken as a total for each employee. The pay slip show leave balances but not the leave already taken. To have to generate a report to individual pay runs and then add them manually is time consum...
There are times when you need to have a report showing leave taken by employees over a specific area. Currently you can only see what's accrued. Can we have an option to run a report showin what has been taken?
On the payroll show the total cost of the payroll, amount being paid+tax+super = total. Its nice to see its the amount you put aside to cover all of the employee employment costs