As a Reckon One user, I enter the original invoice number for a bill in to the Reckon One bill reference field. I want Reckon One to check the supplier and bill reference field and warn me if I enter a duplicate.
This warning will help ensure I do not enter the same bill twice.
We have released this feature today in AU and NZ, with the UK coming in the next couple of weeks if not sooner.
Kind regards,
The Product Team.
I can say that this idea will definitely be added to Reckon One. We are working our way through the top ideas now and it will be actioned once it becomes one of the top ranking ideas. Regards, Jason.
Been there..Done that! A great ideas worthy of follow up.
I also support this idea.
I wholeheartedly support the implementation of checking the bill number for duplicates.
It is one of the features I always inform clients about when setting them up on Reckon Accounts and am very surprised that it isn't available on Reckon One.
With the number of non bookeepers who would be using Reckon One the chances of multiple bill (duplicates) being entered is even higher.