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Status Completed awaiting release
Workspace Reckon One
Categories Invoices & Bills
Created by Guest
Created on May 11, 2018

New lines in description

When entering a description in an invoice, it would be really good if I could hit the enter key and start a new line within the description box, and even leave a line in between the details I am entering. Not sure if possible with the 'enter' key triggering that you've finished in that field?

    Jan 27, 2021

    Hi Gavin. Yes we definitely read and prioritise ideas based on the number of votes and technical feasibility. Also, we have started building our brand new invoice mobile app which will then become our new web interface mid-year, so any new invoice work in the current user interface may be delayed. That said, the delay on this particular item is the number of votes to-date. We'll definitely try and add to the new design though ASAP as its a valid idea.

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  • Guest
    Jul 5, 2021

    In fact, it shouldn't really even need to be a new idea... it should just be there. I am bewildered as to why it isn't.

  • Guest
    Jul 5, 2021

    I am guessing everyone who uses this product would like this feature. Please do this sooner rather than later.
    Just because only a few people have requested it, doesn't mean it isn't a valid idea! Every other accounting application I have used has it... so why doesn't Reckon?

  • Guest
    Jan 22, 2021

    Is anyone from Reckon reading these comments? It's 2021 and linefeeds still are ignored on invoices. So multiline descriptions end up as just one long continuous line when printed.

    Pretty poor response to a simple request

  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2019

    Possibly some work has been done on this but this is still a problem.

    Although the description on an invoice when selected may show (and store) linefeeds,  the linefeeds are ignored when displaying the field after it has been exited.  This is still the case when the invoice is printed/email.

  • Guest
    Jul 15, 2019

    One continuous line does not work for our business

    It seems like a pretty simple thing to be able to press the enter button & create a new line in the description box, we need to be able to make our invoices easy to read for our clients - the way it prints out now is messy & confusing

    We have been using Reckon Accounts for 10 years & you can return to create new lines on there in the description box with the Enter key but unable to in Reckon One - it's very frustrating

  • Guest
    Jan 16, 2019

    I can't imagine this would be a difficult change to make.  Yet it is a vital component of invoicing, to describe what items have been purchased.  One continuous line is not good enough.


Make the generated PDF's use the on screen formatting

Currently the PDFs generated when printing or sending an invoice via email loose the formatting, Specifically the linefeeds.
about 5 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 3 Completed awaiting release