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Status New idea
Workspace Reckon One
Categories Invoices & Bills
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 22, 2023

App to scan & upload bills/receipts

You have an app to create & send invoices & apply payments, it would be great if you also had an app (either separate or as part of invoice app) that allowed us to scan and enter a bill and apply payments as well as scan a receipt & enter it

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  • Guest
    Mar 31, 2023

    We often receive remittances that we wish to keep but they do not relate to an invoice. It would be great to have this feature as part of Receive Money they same as we are able to upload a Bill.

  • Admin
    Jason Hollis
    Mar 24, 2023

    Hi Donna and thanks for the idea. We have actually looked at this a few times, but the investment to build is quite high so we have partnered with AutoEntry and DEXT (formerly, ReceiptBank) instead. See and . We won't take this off the table, however its not in our short-medium term plans.