Show the employee Pay Item in the timesheet list view
As a business owner, I enter timesheets for my employees to bill my customers. Some times I enter the pay item incorrectly for the service item that I am billing my customer. I would like to see the associated pay item for the timesheet entry righ...
As Treasurer of four Masonic Lodges, I have many customers many of whom have a different classification e.g. Full Fees & Dues, Lodge Dues only, etc. I think it would be a good idea if we could enter a classification on the member's contact det...
Payroll Summary Report to show both Display Name and Employee First and Last Names
Can we have reckon payroll report with options to show display name and employee full name? Right now, payroll summary report showing display name. It is annoying and needs to check employee details to match employee details? or simply show employ...
Print/Export Un-allocated Bank Transactions report.
The ability to Print/Export Un-allocated Bank Transactions report. This would be great to have a copy and find missing transactions, email questions to Clients etc.
I think it would be a good idea to have a check box for bills to mark as approved, all business's would benefit from this. Currently all bills we enter our boss likes to approve before they are paid, so am I printing out bill reports for him to se...
A excel tool for bulk upload and download via the API would really assist businesses in cleansing and maintaining data between systems without the need for IT dept to run it
When scrolling down the Edit Tab menu, It is very easy to accidentally click on Void Invoice instead of Memorise Invoice. Then you have this voided invoice which is not what you want at all. So, you either need to be able to DELETE a voided invoic...
Can you please change your Master Account of "Other Assets under leaves"?
Can you please change your Master Account of "Other Assets under leaves" to "Other Assets under lease"? It is driving me crazy to see incorrect spelling in the Chart of Accounts. It must be done at the Reckon level, not at the client level.