Display all employee’s payruns in a new tab in Employee’s Profile and have the ability to select and send payslips at one time.
Add a new tab in the employee’s profile to show all payruns that they were in and the ability to check the boxes beside these payruns to resend out payslips at one time. This feature is helpful when employees lost their payslips and have requested...
Ability to make header accounts non posting in Chart of Accounts
Having the ability to make header accounts non posting so transactions can't be posted would be very handy. Eg wages and salaries should go to Wages and Salaries which is a sub account of Payroll expenses and not the header account. Also if it is ...
Would be great to have a tag inside the invoice page saying if the invoice have been emailed already, it's easy to forget when you do repetetive task if you just did or not. Instead of going out to the invoices list and checking on the last column
As an accountant managing my client books, I want extra information on the bills list report to show when a bill has been paid. This will help me complete additional checks and balances more easily.
Future integration should consider the multi-site scenario where multiple POS locations are integrated to a single Reckon One book / Reckon Accounts Hosted company file whereby you are able to define an income account and a related classification....
Ability to print and/or export reports containing bank account details
Every year we face a problem with our auditors requiring supplier masterfiles that contain all supplier bank account details (which can be worked around by exporting the IIF file) but there's no way of giving them reports on changes to account det...