We create our budgets in excel. It would be really helpful to be able to copy from our budget and paste into the Cretae Budget page, ideally atleast a row at a time. At present, you cannot paste into this page and I need to manually enter every va...
To Do List specifically for Payroll module listing current & due date, employee name (optional) & comments and tick box when completed.
Helpful in recording pay rate increases, adjustments, reporting etc for future processing beyond the next pay period and any adjustments or lodgement prompts.
Add a "invoice paid" field in - Day to day › Money in › Invoices
At this stage I can see when the invoice is created, when its due, but cannot see when it was paid, unless I click on each individual invoice. It would be useful to see at a glance on the paid screen.
We sometimes get return of assembly built items. To return these to stock we need to create an adjustment, refund the customer then delete the existing build. It would be great if we could reverse a build. Any other suggestions on handling this wo...
This feature would allow users to manually import outstanding / unpaid invoices to Reckon One using a CSV file.
We could provide a file format to the user who then fills in details.
Add Tomorrow as selection for Dates in reports. In reports there are number pre-configured dates options are available except Tomorrow. It would be nice user experience if this is added