When searching by amount could we please have it default to "exact" rather than "above" as it involves another click to change each time. I am sure when people are searching by amounts they are are looking for an exact amount
Also when searching b...
allow hours to be entered for period corresponding to pay schedule
In pay template, I have to enter weekly hours. There is no option to enter fortnightly hours. We pay fortnightly. I get fortnightly hours and have to halve them to enter weekly figure then edit them in pay run
When items are incorrectly entered they currently have to be deleted and re put into the database. If you could simply change the parameters like date it would allow less admin time.
If we could add a category to a supplier/customer account when setting up whereby it would automatically remember the income/expense category when creating a bill or invoice it would save at lot of time. For example, if creating a supplier account...
Adding and 'All' employees option when adding employees to new pay run
Hi, I was thinking that having the ability to add and 'All employees' option in the employees drop down list when creating a new payrun may be a useful option to save some time. And hence not have to add each employee individually
Add Estimates to the dashboard to show value of open estimates by customer, like a pipeline
Add estimates widget, show estimates by customer or by item number, be able to compare to a different period as per the other widgets. show estimates won or lost to show conversion rate.