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Reckon One

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Ability to reconcile non bank accounts

Users may want to reconcile an asset account, liability account, or other accounts that are not bank or credit card accounts. Thanks.
about 7 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 1 New idea

Chart of Accounts - setting for each account that assignment to a Project is mandatory

All our Revenue and COGS accounts must have a project assignment. We will spend hours tracing transactions to these accounts where an assignment is missing
almost 5 years ago in Reckon One / Projects 6 New idea

User option for more legible fonts in entry & report screens or printouts

All through the internet and the business world, companies are using sans serif fonts on screen and paper, because they are "fashionable" and "modern". The reality is that "Old Style" fonts are easier and less tiring to read - especially old style...
over 2 years ago in Reckon One / Other 0 Unlikely to be implemented

Multiple same type of leave entry in the same pay run

When we do a pay run we like to add the day/s that a person uses their Annual or Personal Leave (for instance 01/08/2022-03/08/2022). But, if in the same pay period/slip they take more of the same type of leave (for instance also take more Persona...
over 2 years ago in Reckon One / Payroll 1 New idea

Ability to quickly amend error on employee’s Superannuation account details for past payruns without having to undo payruns.

Have the ability to quickly amend error made on employee’s superannuation account details for the past payruns without having to undo all payruns. This could done by automatically updating the super account details in past payruns when the employe...
almost 5 years ago in Reckon One / Payroll 0 New idea

Search invoices by Product Sold - for product recalls, warranty information etc

You should be able to filter and search invoices by the product has been sold and who they have been sold to. Currently there is no way to search product sales. We believe it is extremely important to search which customers a product has been sold...
over 2 years ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 0 New idea

migrate Reckon One data to a new book

As an alternative to the ability to change a financial year in Reckon One, it would be great to be able to use reports generated as csv files to import into a new book for continuity of data, tax records and comparative reporting.
over 2 years ago in Reckon One / Other 0 New idea

Show reference number when allocating payments

Can you please add the Reference Number in the Allocation area of paying Bills . At the moment only the "Bill Number" is shown which makes it difficult to identify which Bill you are paying for on any Supplier when there are multiple bills which h...
about 5 years ago in Reckon One 0 New idea

Simplify the Single Touch Pay

When we complete the Pay run. It is easier to click one click to submit STP to tax office. The current process asks us to launch another window. We have to spend more time. As a tax agent, i have to do hundred of STP every month for my clients. i ...
over 2 years ago in Reckon One 0 Planning to do

Chart of accounts Import

Please add a column for the GST codes. It has little use if you import a chart of accounts and you still need to go and enter the GST code for each account afterwords.
about 5 years ago in Reckon One 0 New idea