Hi, Just wondering if you can add tracking categories to Reckon one so that you can track different business locations or machinery types (track both income and expenses). Is this something in the works? Would be a great feature.
Would like additional payment types / payment methods (Cash, Cheque, Direct Credit, BPay) as options in employee payments screen
Currently there are only two options available (Cash / Direct credit) in the Employee payments screen. Would like additional payment types / payment methods (Cash, Cheque, Direct Credit, BPay) as options in employee payments screen
Use creditors invoice number instead of generic Bill number as primary reference.
It would make more sense to have the creditors invoice number as the primary reference instead of a generic bill number. it's easy at a glance to reconcile statements and choose the correct invoice when making payments when looking at the same inf...
I would like to run a report that consolidates all change logs (history) in Reckon One. This report should have multiple filter options including User, Date, Transaction Type, Change Type etc...
Customers to have a unique customer code. This will enable customer list to match better with other systems. For instance, I run accounts for a scout group. The association already has allocated each scouting member a unique member code. I want to...
Shouldn't each customer or supplier have a default tax code as part of the contact details, or at least an option to specify that a customer is exempt or that supplier is unregistered, so that any invoice or bill would default to the usual GST cod...
Make the item column narrower when printing invoices and estimates instead of half the page width
It is ridiculous that the item column takes up so much line space on the page when printing or saving as pdf. Leaves hardly any room per line for the description.