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Reckon One

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The ability to Print/export filtered transaction lists from the Make Payments, Receive Payments, bills or invoices tabs.

It would be very useful to be able to print/export filtered lists from these tabs.
over 4 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 New idea

Merge transactions from two or more different customer/supplier names into one.

I am a proud foundation Reckon One user from 2013. Now, I understand that transactions can be edited, one by one, to merge into another customer/supplier name, but I have lately needed to rename some customer/suppliers and merge their contained tr...
over 2 years ago in Reckon One / Accounting 0 New idea

Have the ability to see margin by project / job and by customer

When reviewing customers data and strategic account management it is vital to be able to see which customers generate the hightst profit not only in absolute terms but a %GP.
almost 5 years ago in Reckon One / Projects 0 New idea

Auto inclusion of Payment Details

Add editable bank account details automatically in 'Payment Details' area of Invoice forms to save money and reduce risk of inserting incorrect bank payment details.
over 1 year ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills 0 New idea

The service date on invoice should populate from timesheets

It means that I don't have to manually type it into the description on the timesheet for every different date...
over 6 years ago in Reckon One / Invoices & Bills / Time 0 New idea

Import time data from spreadsheets to create a pay run

Users would like the ability to create pay runs from spreadsheet data.
about 4 years ago in Reckon One / API / Payroll 0 New idea

Add allowances to Timesheet

adding the automation for allowances to be automatically added on payrun
over 1 year ago in Reckon One / Payroll 1

Add Project column to Account Enquiry Report

Please, in the Account Enquiry report can there be a column for Projects - so can see if projects have been assigned to all necessary transactions. This would be a great help!
over 6 years ago in Reckon One / Reports 0 New idea

Why does the "Description" field in a rule need to be Fixed. Can it be the original "Description" ?

When importing transactions you can "adjust" bank data to clean the import by adding a code such as "Sponsor" to the description or "Dave Fields - 115" to reflect the invoice. Rules should be able to look for "Sponsor" or "Dave Fields" but still i...
over 5 years ago in Reckon One / Banking 1 New idea

Auto-allocate employee numbers

Reckon one allows you to repeat an employee number already used without an error message. Would be handy if it would automatically allot the next number (up by one).
almost 5 years ago in Reckon One / Payroll 0 New idea