Entering payments from field accept invoice number or customer
When entering receipts often the only reference is an invoice number. to find the account requires a search of the invoice number.I'd like to able to enter that invoice number in the "received from" field and have Reckon Accounts identify the cust...
Give each employee a login to be able to lodge his or her time sheets electronically. This information after going through an approval process should populated the payroll schedule automatically.
Be able to enter the start and end time for timesheets
The current timesheets allows us to enter the blocks of time for a day. in some cases staff have 2 shifts and we need to be able to break those up into 2 distinct start and end times. This will be VERY useful to show in the invoices as well as the...
Every month I prepare reports for last month this year compared to last month last year & current financial year to end of last month compared to same but for previous year. Last month is already an option but the rest is not. It would be good...
Show employee total hours entered during Pay Run data entry along the bottom where there are totals - Gross Tax Super Net
We have pays split up to several projects and sometimes split days. Would be beneficial to have a progressive check of total hrs entered on each employee.
A report with all leave taken, accrued and final balance in hours and dollars for a specified period is necessary to correctly enter leave liabilities to balance sheet. The current summary report requires clicking on individual lines to access the...
The columns in estimate temple needs to be able to be more flexible for email/print.
Printed or emailed formats of estimate are very "un presentable" and not professional. It creates very bad impression about the proposal/quotation. I have been using Accounts hosted and used to change layout to suit to make it nice and presentable.
Ability to report on payroll item both occurences and hours or qty. This would answer questions like when did the employee take sick leave. Without this report it means that it is essential for employers to keep separate excel records.
Need the ability to find transaction on multiple levels ie by either account number, name, amount etc, and recode those returned transasactions to the account that they should of been in, in the first place
Increase the font size of banking details on an invoice template
Need to be able to increase the size of the font just the banking details on the invoice, this is very important to avoid mistakes. and not increasing the font size on the actual invoice items as it is set up you can only have every thing get bigg...